Monday 30 April 2012

Scent of the day - Angeliques sous la Pluie

After days of seemingly endless rain today we finally had a day that verged on glorious, a fitting end to April, with the darling buds of May beckoning.

Feeling in a light-hearted mood, I decided to wear Angeliques sous la Pluie. Just saying that name makes me feel good. I've reviewed the fragrance before, see here. What I said then still holds true, except that today it was even more of a skin scent than previously. This time I also detected a lot more musk. The strange thing about this perfume is that it is so light that you really do have to hold your nose right up to your skin to detect it, yet it genuinely does last all day.

In a way, it is perfect for spring, capturing that most fleeting of seasons.


  1. It is a lovely scent. I like it - I wear L'eau d'Hiver these days - to go with the cloudy yet possibly stormy weather (which may go up to 80F).

  2. I mean to try this every time I hit the Malle counter, but always get side-tracked. I swear - next time!

  3. Turbovivi I haven't tried L'eau d'Hiver - how similar is it to Angeliques? It's another Ellena scent isn't it?

  4. Cym which ones in the line do you enjoy?

  5. Yes it is - and it is very sheer, very "skin". I love everything about it, and been splurging to purchase the small travel set (refills) so I can have one in my handbag, one in my gym bag and one at home. :D

  6. That's a great idea Turbovivi. In the sense that it is very 'skin' it strikes me as quite similar then. Thanks for commenting!



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